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自从“考拉知道”少儿中文在线课程,进入到全球最大的私校系统的8500所学校之后,各地区的小学纷纷向“考拉知道”抛出了橄榄枝。位于美国加州历史悠久的Conejo Adventist Elementary School拔得头筹,成为了最新将“考拉知道”纳入教学体系的学校! 🎉Koala Know 考拉知道🎉 海外华人家庭4-11岁少儿专属中文在线课程。 100%优秀专业的中文教师。 唯一针对海外华人少儿研发的专业教材。 同师同伴同时模式,通过游戏互动、伙伴学习的方式系统的学习中文,听、说、读、写全面学习。 让孩子们真正地从兴趣出发,爱上学中文!开心学,流利说! “Koala Know” is a professional Chinese course designed for overseas Chinese families from ages 4-11 years old. Online Interactive Real-Time Chinese Classes for Children. The courses are dedicated to helping children from overseas Chinese families by building a bridge to learn Chinese so that these children can maintain a high level of proficiency in Chinese and utilize the advantages of possessing Chinese fluency in a multicultural society. Together with professional Chinese teachers and peers, the learning journey that “Kola Know” provides will become the most precious and rewarding life experience. Furthermore, it will provide the core competencies needed for future academic and career development. ***************************** 👇Book a free demo class now👇快来为孩子预约免费试听课吧! Koala Know Website: https://www.koalaknow.com/ Follow us 👇 Koala Know Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KoalaKnow/ Koala Know Instagram: @koalaknow https://www.instagram.com/koalaknow/